The safest way to handle data

Automatically notarise data while bringing trust across your platform with easy-to-implement tooling.
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mintblue approach page hero
The safest way to handle data

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Notarize activity

mintBlue eliminate fraud
Eliminate fraud by logging activities, signed by users at the edge of your network. mintBlue allows you to verify the origin and authenticity of any information type.
Identity authentication
The safest way to handle data

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Trust builds loyalty

mintBlue immutable storage
Don't just tell stories; proof them. Notarize files, events and activities for transparent business practices and retain the loyalty of your users now and in the future.
Immutable storage
The safest way to handle data

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Privacy by design

mintBlue transparency & impact solutions
Program logic in smart contracts that nobody - not event mintBlue - can manipulate. The key to the data remains in the hands of the owner. They can decide how their data is shared, now and in the future.
Transparency & impact solutions
Our experts are here to help.
Whether you have a specific question or want to run a Design Sprint with your product team.
Get in contact

Future-proof data governance

Stay ahead of evolving data laws around data portability, interoperability, and privacy. mintBlue makes it easy to meet requirements for any file exchange.
Protocols supported by mintBlue

Designed to support industry standards

mintBlue’s technology can be leveraged to notarize, monetise and unlock opportunities with existing industry standards.
Protocols supported by mintBlue

As green as it gets

mintblue blockchain for good
Our unique UTXO-based blockchain design architecture is more powerful and green than any other (EVM) blockchain.
Find out more
mintblue blockchain for good

Access is
in your control

mintBlue allows you to keep a proven track record of transactions across the value chain to build trust through transparency.
mintBlue endless opportunities

Endless opportunities

mintBlue endless opportunities
Technical foundation for ambitious solutions

Technical foundation
for ambitious solutions

A smart contract and wallet infrastructure that allows you and your users for peer-to-peer exchange of information.
Optimal outcomes for your users icon

Optimal outcomes for your users

Set new standards in experience by putting your users in charge of their own data. mintBlue allows you to build scalable data solutions that any user can rely on.
Unlimited scale at a fraction of the cost

Unlimited scale at a fraction of the cost

Our UTXO blockchain technology has the power to handle transactions across the globe at the highest speed and the lowest cost, without sacrificing user-friendliness.